



Users are allowed to attach a maximum of 10 files per email (or upload), with each file not exceeding 500MB in size.

Copyright Agency reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions of service at any time.


Copyright Agency does not claim to offer any legal/statutory protection or copyright registration, nor does it assure the user’s ownership of the copyright for the material. The service is solely aimed at assisting users in registering their work for copyright protection with the United States Library of Congress.

By utilizing the service, the user agrees

To be the original author and creator of the material, responsible for its originality and authenticity. The user confirms that the material does not infringe on any third-party copyright claims and agrees to indemnify www.copyright-agency.org from any such claims


Copyright Agency commits to safeguarding user information and will not disclose users’ work to anyone except our registration specialists and the United States Library of Congress. Work submissions are fully managed and recorded by our secure server upon submission. All work passwords are encrypted in our database, ensuring that only our registration specialists have access.


Once Copyright Agency has provided the customer with a copyright registration case number/service request number via email, the services are deemed rendered. If the filing fee payment fails, we notify the customer of their service request number, indicating that we have already initiated their copyright account creation; hence, the service fee is non-refundable. Even if payment for the filing fee is not completed, the service fee remains non-refundable since Copyright Agency has already established the account for the customer

No refunds will be issued once registration has been submitted to the Library of Congress and a case number has been provided. Only a partial refund of 50% of the service fee is possible after the user submits the application form and administrative work has commenced.

Copyright Agency is not liable if the US Copyright Office does not accept your work. All fees are non-refundable.


We offer a limited Money Back Guarantee. If you request a refund before we complete your registration, we will refund


We offer a limited Money Back Guarantee. If you request a refund before we complete your registration, we will refund.

Your payment minus the cost for administrative work already performed. The specific terms of this money-back guarantee are as follows: If Copyright Agency has begun processing your request but has not completed it, we will refund your initial fee minus a fifty-dollar ($50.00) administrative fee. Once we have emailed you your copyright case number, registration services are considered rendered, and there are no refunds or returns available. The filing process cannot be halted, and no charges can be refunded under any circumstances. Completing an application does not guarantee a successful filing

Non-Disparagement Clause

At no time may any user post negative comments on any website that could potentially harm the reputation of Copyright Agency under penalty of law. By doing so, the user agrees to pay a fee of $500 for any damages caused.

Merchant Chargeback

If a user initiates a chargeback of the service fee with their credit card company after registration has been submitted, the user will be responsible for all administrative or legal fees incurred to recover time and money lost. The fee the user will be liable for will be either $250 or $270, depending on the service filing fees. Until these fees are paid in full, Copyright Agency will retain complete ownership and control of the user’s copyright registration.

Customer agrees that they may not, at any time and for any reason, attempt a chargeback of any credit card payments made to the Agency. In the event that a customer attempts to chargeback a credit card payment made to the Agency, the Customer understands and agrees that they will be liable for a penalty fee equal to 3 times the originally charged amount that was charged back, in addition to any and all expenses or losses incurred by the Agency in its efforts to defend and/or reverse the chargeback attempt. This includes, but is not limited to, legal fees and time spent documenting and communicating about the matter with the Client, banks, legal experts, etc.

Other Services Information

Copyright Agency reserves the right to change, modify, adjust, or delete any part of an application at its sole discretion. Copyright Agency also reserves the right to alter prices, offer discounts, apply special rates, and make any necessary changes concerning filing a user’s case registration to ensure it is suitable and has the best chance of successful registration.